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Marcos Baghdatis

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Marcos Baghdatis

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2017 Highlights

Marcos & Karolina

Thursday, 20 September, 2012

Photo: Robert Balaško/DOP Art Studio

Following their wedding on 14th July in Trakoscan, Croatia, Marcos and his wife Karolina have shared the photos from their special day. In an exclusive interview with, Karolina has also revealed all the details from the wedding, and her hopes for the future with Marcos and their baby daughter, due to be born next month.


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"I met Marcos in Sydney at the start of 2010. It's funny, because when I knew him before we weren't really friends on the tour, only saying hi or something whenever we'd see each other - but somehow everything started in Sydney.


"After seven or eight months he came to my house. My tennis wasn't going the way I hoped, but with him it was never boring. He's such a funny guy."


On May 16, 2011 in Nice, France, Baghdatis proposed to Sprem - and then on July 14, 2012 the pair had a beautiful wedding in Trakoscan, Croatia.


"It was amazing. We needed a few months to prepare everything and the days went by so fast I don't even remember half the stuff that happened - I needed to see the wedding pictures to remember it all! But it was really amazing. The wedding took place over many days with lunches, dinners and parties, and it was close to my hometown, about 40 minutes away. Parts of the wedding were at the castle, then the church, then next to the lake - at the beginning it wasn't really planned like that but that's how it ended up and it was beautiful. We had about 100 people there, just from our family and all of our closest friends."


And soon the happy couple will welcome another member to their new family.


"In the wedding pictures it's hard to see, but now I'm quite huge!" Sprem said. "We're waiting for a girl and the due date is next month, the 28th of October.


"We're planning to live in Cyprus together. It's better for Marcos - it's where he can practice, and his coach is from Cyprus as well. And after I give birth I'm hoping to maybe travel with him to his tournaments sometimes."


Is there a future as a playing mother-on-tour for the former Top 20 player?


"Who knows - maybe!" she commented. "My life feels like it has stayed the same because Marcos is playing tennis. It's like I'm living for his tennis - we have all the same things in the house, just he's the player and I'm not. I'm not practicing or training but I'm really supporting him in everything he does.


"The hard part for me to play again is starting from zero. It would be great to have a special ranking and wildcards so I can start playing WTAs right away, and not having to play ITFs, which is tough. But it seems like nothing in my life has happened the way I originally planned it, so who knows? And it's certainly motivation to see Serena winning Grand Slams at 30. It's quite amazing.


"I'll already have a title - not a Grand Slam title, but "mom"! I have the life I was always dreaming of. Sometimes Marcos and I joke about me coming back and playing again - if not singles, then maybe just doubles. Who knows?"